Welcome to Women Ministry
Women’s Ministry Department seeks to inspire and encourage all women to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. All women are encouraged to share Christ with their families, friends, coworkers, neighbors, or strangers through developing friendship evangelism.
Women are encouraged to share ideas and provide support for each other that will enhance their spiritual, social, academic, and physical wellbeing. They are motivated to lead out in enriching programs and to harness their hidden talents for the Honor and Glory of God.
Women’s Ministries seek to build relationship within the community by doing outreach programs. All women should seek to adhere to
Proverbs31: 30 which states, "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
Through fearing God, we will develop the character that will open the flood gates of Heaven.
Past Events for 2022
Prayer Breakfast in the Abaco District
During the month of March ladies of all ages were beautifully arrayed in their pastel colors on the veranda of Wally’s Restaurant. Sis. Patrice Clarke spoke on Praying in the Last Days.
According to Sis. Patrice, “A strong prayer life requires relationship and intimacy with God which we develop through spending time and reading His word. In the last days, we must pray for the Holy Spirit that will lead and guide us in the way we should go. This can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.
Fasting is not starving, but it trains us to obey God and not our flesh.
We need to fast and pray so that distractions of this world, don’t keep us out of the Kingdom. Pray in these last days, that we remain faithful to God, that we are our sister’s keeper, for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, that our children and others to make it into the kingdom.”

Berry Islands in Ministry
The Berry Islands is comprised of a small company of believers who are deliberate in serving the community through various means. They share Jesus by delivering bread to shut ins once per quarter. Literature is distributed in every settlement and prayers are offered upon each visit.
They also seek to engage women in the community as they participate in the worship services on Sabbath Mornings, weekly bible studies and daily prayer meetings at 5a.m.
This was well received as ten persons consistently intercede earnestly for the needs of each other.
The impact of our outreach in the community is far reaching as souls are prepared to follow Jesus in Spirit and Truth. Women in the Berry Islands found our ministry trustworthy and confidential as they seek advice and counsel. Let’s continue to pray for the small group of believers in the Berry Islands as they minister unto God.
Story by : Sis. Dawnette Campbell

Women’s Day of Prayer - March 5, 2022
The Women’s Ministry Department in various churches held divine hour services under the theme: Praying in the Last Days.
The Shiloh and Blessed Hope Churches prepared ‘Miss You Mugs’ to encourage ladies who have not been attending church in person due to COVID-19- 19, to worship with them.
Other churches in Grand Bahama and Abaco also conducted services in their perspective churches.
Shiloh and Blessed Hope
The Bethesda Church held three days of Prayer Focus. They honored the longest serving member, Sis. Lucia Tanis for faithful service in Women’s Ministry.
They also did a community outreach at the Grand Bahama Home for the Aged by singing songs, praying, and distributing care packages.
Women’s Ministry Emphasis Day- June 11, 2022
Under the theme: Heroine of Faith, women in various churches led out in Divine Hour Service through use of creative talent, drama, and songs.
Freeport Church
Shiloh and Blessed Hope
Mrs. Arleen Sands was honored for her outstanding years of service as the former Women’s Ministry Director for the North Bahamas Conference by the Sis. Era Gibson -Women’s Ministry Leader and her team from the Eight Mile Rock SDA Church.
Saturday 30th July 2022, 40 young ladies ages 13 to 20 came together for a GGEMS social. These young ladies participated in games, and interactive discussion on how to deal with insecurities as well as how to respect and take care of our bodies. Girls from all churches in Grand Bahama were represented.
They also gave valuable suggestions and ideas for future meetings and how they can engage in meaningful outreach community programs.
The purpose for creating GGEMS: God’s Girls Engaged in Ministry and Service is to help young ladies between 13 to 20 to develop positive characters that will help them grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, and academically.
GGEMS will seek to develop a strong mentoring program to help young ladies reach their full potential and to become a young lady who fears the Lord.
Upcoming Events
Friday 26th August, the Atlantic Caribbean Union Women’s Ministry Department will host a virtual vespers service via zoom under the theme: Abuse of Power. Guest Speaker will be Heather Dawn Small, General Conference Women’s Ministry Director.
Then on Saturday 27th August 2022, churches in Grand Bahama, Bimini, Berry Island and Abaco will lead out in Divine Hour Service.
At 5p.m. all roads in Grand Bahama will lead to St. Stephen’s Park for the march to the Eight Mile Rock SDA Church in Eight Mile Rock. A rally will start at 6p.m.
In Abaco, the march will take place from Long Bay School to the Murphy Town Park. Let’s join with one voice as seek to end violence in our community.
Link: https://women.adventist.org/